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Health and  Safety and Fire Safety training

078533 87043

Open Mon-Sun | 9am - 5pm

 H & S

Health and Safety


Fire Safety Courses

What are the benefits of quality staff training?


- Increased productivity
- Improved quality of work
- Reduced faults, waste, or customer complaints
- Positive impact on staff morale and motivation
- Reduced staff turnover and absenteeism: 
- Better preparation for change and growth
- Competitive advantage
- Improved ability to attract top talent


Liquid Bubbles
Health & Safety 

Why is Health & Safety training important?

Health and Safety training is very important to the success of any company. A company that takes this training seriously will be prepared in case of an emergency and will have a better chance of preventing injuries.

Health and  Safety and Fire Safety training

In the UK, thousands of workers are injured each year due to workplace accidents,

with recent statistics indicating that around 142 people were killed at

work in the last reporting year. Additionally, over 500,000 workers

suffered from work-related injuries, and millions more reported

health issues connected to their jobs.


Notably, the agriculture, forestry, and fishing sectors are among the

most dangerous, with workers in these industries facing a significantly higher risk of fatal accidents compared to those in construction. Ensuring robust health and safety measures is crucial to protecting workers across all industries.

So, preventing accidents and ill health caused by work should be a key priority for everyone at work.

As the owner or manager of a contracting business, you know that competent employees are valuable. 

Health and  Safety and Fire Safety training

Providing health & safety information and training helps you to:

  1. Ensure you or your employees are not injured or made ill by the work they do;

  2. Develop a positive health & safety culture, where safe & healthy working becomes second nature to everyone;

  3. Find out how you could manage health and safety better;

  4. Meet your legal duty to protect the health & safety of your employees.

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Health and  Safety and Fire Safety training

Health and Safety In the Workplace LEVEL 1/4 
This is an excellent introduction to health and safety in the workplace and will benefit any worker, in any industry or sector and accommodates induction training for the new employee very well, or for those returning to work after a long absence so that Health and Safety legislation can be updated.

Health and Safety In the Workplace LEVEL 2/5 
This is an excellent introduction to health and safety in the workplace and will benefit all employees, particularly those who may be accepting a health and safety role, such as a safety representative within their organisation.

Health and  Safety and Fire Safety training
Fire Safety 

What are the benefits of Fire Safety training?

Health and  Safety and Fire Safety training

Fire Safety Training is an important investment that will improve safety and preparedness in the workplace. As an employer, you may feel there are

more pressing issues and worth while out lays than fire safety training

courses but the value ofensuring your staff are confident and prepared

to actin an emergency doesn’t have a monetary figure.

                Furthermore, employers have a legal duty under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety)                                Reform 2005 to provide staff with relevant fire safety training.  

                              Fire safety training reduces the likelihood of fires starting and gives                                           employees the confidence to deal with emergencies. Employees who have                                   fire safety training will be able to act accordingly to keep themselves and                              others safe. After all, Fire Safety isn’t just about firefighting and evacuation, it’s            also about preventing fires, fire protection, and recognizing potential hazards.

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Fire Marshal Training


A 4-hour non-regulated course, useful for CPD for existing fire-trained staff to update their skills and knowledge. An attendance certificate is issued after the course.

Health and  Safety and Fire Safety training
Health and  Safety and Fire Safety training
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Fire Safety Awareness LEVEL 1/4 

This course is designed for all employees as an introduction to basic fire safety awareness and is an excellent ingredient in the induction programme for new employees. The qualification also provides a foundation for those employees who want to develop their fire safety awareness.

Fire Safety LEVEL 2/5

This course is designed for employees who want to develop their basic fire safety awareness in order to assist their employer by undertaking more specific fire safety roles in the workplace to manage fire risk (e.g. as fire wardens/marshals/stewards etc.) Successful candidates will be awarded a national level 2 qualification (Level 5 in Scotland).

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